Breakthrough on Gametribe on February the 29th!

p>To Gametribe, a special day means creating a special event for its Tribe!
We invite you to spend a day like no other on your favorite game!

For this special day, Gametribe will organize the following events in game:

  • Kicks Online: Double XP for the football fans, the playground is on fire!
  • Infinity : Double XP too for the beat‘em-all button-bashing-maniac!
  • Dream Of Mirror Online : old legends are told by the minstrels of Eversun, old legends about the Day that Should not Be, old legends about a monsters invasion…
  • Dekaron : Closed beta starts with Triple XP for all the lucky beta testers! And this bonus will last for the whole Closed Beta duration!!


Enjoy and celebrate this “Leap Day “ with us !

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