Conversation Between Norrin Radd and Raiyne

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Dude, I wonder, have you've ever listened to Circa Survive? They have a new album being released soon and I'm contemplating pre-ordering their deluxe package man, its like 70 USD for the album, vinyl, a shirt, bag and a lithograph. Man, I think it's great that they have these packages and it's an awesome way to support the band.
  2. Yeah, I'm gonna leave those for when I'm ready.
  3. Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake aren't casual reading material. I wouldn't even read those until you're done with the rest. F.W. isn't even a book people read for enjoyment, it's experimental.

    That's enough material to last you a year. You shouldn't cram, it makes you less able to appreciate a book.
  4. I would say that's a shitload of reading material.

    That will last you ages, especially Ulysses. That's not a book you just casually read, and Finnegan's Wake isn't really one to read for enjoyment as opposed to appreciative research.
  5. I wikied (almost) every book and added a crapload more to my list, haha. Looks like I'm gonna have lotsa stuff to read for the next few months. :]

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan
    Bret Eastion Ellis - Glamorama
    Virginia Woolf - The Voyage Out
    Nino Ricci - Lives of the Saints
    Alan Hollinghurst - The Spell
    Rebecca Wells - Little Altars Everywhere
    Paul Auster - Leviathan
    Paul Auster - Brooklyn Follies
    Philip Roth - American Pastoral
    Gao Xingjian - Soul Mountain
    Jose Saramago - Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
    Yann Martel - Life of Pi
    Ali Smith - The Accidental
    Peter Carey - Theft
    Joseph O'Conner - Star of the Sea
    Nelson Alcren - A Walk on the Wild Side
    Ha Jin - Waiting
    Don DeLillo - Cosmopolis
  6. Dude, some guy is selling off lotsa books real cheap off craigslist, was wondering if you have some titles to recommend to me. I've already shortlisted:

    John Irving - The Cider House Rules
    Haruki Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
    William Gibson - Spook Country
    James Joyce - Finnegans Wake
    James Joyce - Ulysses
    Sun Tzu - War & Management
    Douglas Coupland - Girlfriend in Coma
  7. Oh yes, yes sir.
  8. Should I give The Velvet Underground's Squeeze a listen?
  9. Are...are you serious?
  10. Sorry man, hate to disappoint you... can't do it.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 25
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