Conversation Between Aerobella and Andry94

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. you have a website? ooh tell me!
  2. Damnit, same >.<
  3. oh... I'm really busy with my own website and school so I don't really have time anymore to rp here...
  4. And, hey, join Jack's RP - dead city ! it's kool.
    Mine died, i couldn't know how to keep it going .
  5. I'm fine, where did you go? :O
    And, SORRY. with my new comp it's a miracle that i'm still here. I definitively can't join your web... really, i'm damn sorry, can't do anything about it.
  6. hey! haven't seen you in a while how's life?
  7. Sowwy, i didn't know it was your birthday.,.. Happy Bday then!
  8. yea... I'm just gonna let you do that lol
  9. Will you need istructions for the part of YazRP? lawl .
  10. O.o o.O
    ... Allright, i'll try it.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 42
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