Conversation Between Avarance and Xenonight2

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes!! So good! I love how stage/play-like it is. You can really see how his adaptations of Shakespeare were so successful.

    Have you seen Stray Dog? It's probably the most unique of his movies that I've seen.
  2. I just watched High and Low. The first half is a-ma-zing.
  3. Same here. Red Beard is one of the most touching, overwhelming and inspiring movies I have seen. Probably Kurosawa's most humanistic film. It's so well done and passionate it's hard to not get absorbed by it. I haven't seen High and Low yet but I will get that from the library next because Stray Dog and Ikiru are the only modern setting Kurosawa movies I have seen.
  4. Red Beard, by far.

    There's levels of depth and subtlety there not found in most of his movies.

    High and Low is another favorite of mine, too. The moral dilemma is so neat: a real look at the changing values of Japan. Sacrificing oneself for the community like a good Japanese person, or pursuing the Western-like dream of financial and economic success? So cool.
  5. What's your favorite non-seven samurai Kurosawa movie?
  6. Excellent taste, brochacho
  7. Awesome avatar! I love Takashi Shimura.
  8. i'm kind of like a cameleon, i change all the time
  9. this tells me much about you
  10. it's my boyfriend
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
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