Conversation Between Ryukiri and Professor Cena

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Your face is a butt.
  2. thats what i was talking about but you had to be mean to say it sucks butt! *spanks*
  3. Don't you lie to me!
  4. your avatar tastes like mint, no i didn't lick it yet.
  5. It's Jafar!
  6. your avatar is funny, where is it from?
  7. thanks, though the link you've posted looks like alien language.. v_v
  8. Can't find the guide I used, unfortunately.
  9. i digged through posts about tunneling and read your post about your americano pig friend and tunnel. i also have a pig friend that is willing to let me tunnel if i find a way to do it.. >< do you have a link on how to do it? pweeez~♡
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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