Conversation Between Midnight4chaos and Screenfox

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Am I TK's master? Haha I didn't know this X3 haha Umm I donno, I don't think he was here much longer then me, also I think I post more them him, his posts just tend to be bigger and more in depth. I donno. haha I'm sorry! I'll go check it out right away!
  2. i cant believe u didnt join my FIRST RP . . . im sad now. . .
  3. do it! lol. . . i has a question though. . . how r u TK's master. . . if TK has been on longer than you and ur both 42 . . . ? it perplexes me
  4. Haha Damn right X3 you know I don't think you were here back then but when I first joined here there was this great Thread that was like a space thing. I would love to do that one again or do a sequel.
  5. thats good!!!!! now we just need *cough cough* SOMEONE *cough cough* to get TK's and Jar's *sses in gear!!!
  6. Haha well its good to be back! :3
  7. lol(: ha i missed my buddy! i had like no body to joke with. lol yeah ikr! she is cute
  8. Haha hey you! It's been so long! :3 Haha Finally not super busy XP good to be back! :3 cute new pic. :3
  9. SCREENNNYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i misseded you! i misseded you!!!!!!!
  10. 'Eyyy! dont kill creation before it starts!!!!! D: . . . some dude is tryin to take my police captain job . . . screeennnn! .. . . i think maybe its cuz i forgot to edit it. .
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
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