Conversation Between Lawliet1 and Groteske

234 Visitor Messages

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  1. It was sarcasm. :3 But yeah people like cute things!

  2. Adorable huh?
  3. I don't get it but i'll try too!
  4. Yeah. I know. Baby. When you can lay it on me. TILL THEN. Hard for you.
  5. Funny thing is that i tried to rep you for the nuclear bomb in your panties thing but i must spread reputation around before yada yada you know the rest lol.
  6. You never rep me. Why is that?! Did the love die in your hand like a sick canary? DID IT?!
  7. Cawk good sir. Cawk! Cawk for the mother land!
  8. May i ask what that is lol?
  9. Sucking rooster. You gotta love sucking rooster.
  10. If that doesn't solidify it,then what does? o_O
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 234
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