Conversation Between Norrin Radd and Oisterman

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. They earned more than they would have otherwise because the money went directly to them. So when you pay so little as $3, they earn the whole $3.

    They also had the discbox that was $65, and lots of people bought that. I ended up buying the album three times. I paid for the download, bought the discbox and then bought the single CD when it came out.
  2. Since you seem to be pretty knowledgeable about piracy...I'm wondering if you ever heard anything about how Radioheads "pay whats fair" thing for In Rainbows went?

    I liked what they did, and I remember I paid $3 or something for an album I would have otherwise pirated. And I had the legal option to choose.

    I'm just wondering how much they ended up making from that, if you heard anything. I wish more bands would do that.
  3. Was there even marijuana in Mallrats?

    Edit: Oh, I see what you said now. Doh! Misunderstood.
  4. The best way I can describe it is this:

    I found Pineapple Express to be kind of funny. Potheads found it way funnier than I did, because I am not one.

    The same can be said for movies like that. We chuckle at things you don't because we're like that.
  5. Oh hay. I dunno if I've asked you before, but if not, I was sure meaning to.

    Have you ever seen the movie "Mallrats"? Its an early Jay and Silent Bob movie. The main character is super into comics, and I always think "I wonder if this would be more funny to Norrin" lol.

    I mean, its not really ABOUT comics, but...I dunno. Its a pretty funny movie, so if you're bored, check it out. Its on HBO all the time. (IDK if you have HBO in your area, but I watch it on there a lot :P)
  6. I was just waiting for your pro opinion. It didn't ruin any of those characters for me...I just found it pretty interesting.
  7. Yeah.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say some of those were rip-offs. Deadpool himself was initially created as a stab at DCs Deathstroke. It just turns out that Deadpool is better than every man, woman, child and carbon-based organism of life. So it didn't matter.
  8. I ate a bunch of mushrooms while I listened to that album. Usually the music is just a background for things like that to me, but it was like an assault that ripped me into the songs. Thats what I meant
  9. "For them, it's war. For me, it's easier to walk away.".

    **** yeah, Converge is right.
  10. Locust reign on your parade! **** YEAH CONVERGE!@
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