Conversation Between TaikoxKashi and Wicked315

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. In time, in time.

    Kawai Desu~~~~ Or whatever... did I do it right?

    Any other suggestions?
  2. I dont like asians.
  3. We could play Vindictus while we circle jerk.
    Since they are known for cheap skimpy clothing and it falls off. Plus they are Asian. I know how you OnRPGers love Asians.
  4. Bringin' the circle jerkle back oooon.
  5. Yes. Together. It's fun in pairs. We doing this back to back style?
  6. We can do that together.
  7. I play with myself.
    That's about it.
  8. What else do you play then?
  9. Damn, we're not good at deciding on games. What's new? I like hardly ever play MMOs and shit... suggest something, bro.
  10. I used to play RIFT til i got bored of it. D:
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 35
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