Conversation Between poeticas and Meowy

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. get ready son *bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

  2. i don't think so now ima going to be afraid to sleep damn it
  3. dammit ima shave your legs in your sleep, ima do it when i say it. D:<
  4. i mostly wear jeans it was just few times that i wear shorts or so to go out ..
  5. it makes your legs look ugly and hairy and it wont make you warm >.>
  6. well yah i know that ... and its almost winter if i would shave mah legs i would get cold ... and yah i know i need new hair cut
  7. o.o you should shave your legs for extra hawtness, and maybe try some wigs to see if meowy says <3 at poe with a different hair style ( the current one doesn't seem to match if the current you ~_~ )
  8. let it be ya i forget things
  9. wad da fawk dun remind urself y u do dat =D
  10. omg rolf superior !
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
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