Conversation Between immabrit and Midnight4chaos

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good to hear from you again, i have been on for about two or three weeks.
  2. OMG GET BACK ON!!!!!!!! please *cutepuppydogface*
  3. lol brit ur awesome! thanks shes happy now.
  4. the first one ever is called asylum, didn't take long. just went on bloodyjanes public profile and clicked find all threads started by bloodjane.
  5. She thinks it was BH but shes not sure. but shes a lazy *** that dont like to keep looking. lol
  6. yes, you guys and bleed, the whole part with relations. i am still confused. Someone is related to someone else. but i don't know who
  7. Situation???? lol confused (still both of us bloody is looking for the first RP she made)
  8. IN DETAIL PLEASE!!! my brain didnt understand the thing u typed in BH lol . . . im blonde(: and well not really paying attention. . . . to hyper!!!! lol again
  9. hey, when i get to the surgery, i will explain the plan to you
  10. yeah later
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 32
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