Conversation Between Aerobella and Andry94

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. then type in the search bar something like 'hot male anime' or something
  2. I really don't know.. i can't find any image, the 95% of what i find are girls. And the remnant 5% are couples or ugly males.... can i suicide? O.o
  3. Who knows?
  4. wtf?
    are you drunk or under the influence of any drugs right now?
  5. Otherwise, the males are just horrible.
  6. i don't know if it's me being mad or blind or whatever... for now i just found girls with three meters-long hair, 10 pages over around a thousand.
    i'm going to suicide...
  7. actually not really
  8. Sounds very complicate...
  9. Allright, first you must tell me where to find some -decent- images for my character. Same for the mark. And then, you must teach me how to put something like that in my post... Heh, you know. I'm not so experienced in such... I play mostly
  10. you shaddup and go to rp! POST ON FESTIVAL OF DEATH OR I'LL EAT YOUR FACE!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 42
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