Conversation Between Midnight4chaos and Jarhead4life

105 Visitor Messages

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  1. yeah. . . . dosh garnit u make me feel bad. . . . well make bloody feel bad too she hasnt posted either.
  2. Trust me, it did:/
  3. Im sry its dieing that makes me sad. i likes my kick but fight! and yeah it looked like alot of time
  4. Haha, and just kinda let my RP die, right? Haha.
    If it does I have a few new ideas, but sadly none will be as good as the matrix, I put a lot of time into it.
  5. kk and now i have to go read and post. fun
  6. Haha, it's cool
  7. thank you. . . lol sry i havent been on for a while i was on a trip and i couldnt take anything.
  8. Haha, fine
  9. dont rush me mr!i havent exactly figured out what to post.
  10. Haha, well hurry, lol
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 105
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