Conversation Between Cingal and Orpheus

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Cing, when you get banned from onRPG, what are the things you can still do? Like, can you send/receive PMs?
  2. Your order is ready, don't ban me plz.
  3. Oh boy! Just what I wished for. :O
  4. Oh hai Orpheus.

    I figured I'd return the favour.
  5. Delicious. =o
  6. Happy Birthday. Here's a gift, sorry didn't have time to wrap it!

  7. If we notice, generally we give warnings and delete the thread.

    But, that's only if we notice, I mean, sadly there's no "This thread has been necro'ed" icon, and we don't go into all threads.

    Email reports are usually the way we find out, given people report them and given I check my emails at that time.
  8. Quick question, are there any rules on the forums about necro'ing threads?
    Sometimes I feel people should get warnings for doing so in the MMORPG forums. :/
  9. Well, I do try to be as reasonable and member oriented as possible.
  10. I swear you are the only likable mod on this forum. :[
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 59
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