Conversation Between Z0MBiE and Zymbaline

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aw, it feels amazing, I usually date older men. Or well.. Not like REALLY OLD but like 4-5 years older. Haha. ;o You're 6 years older, not that big difference. :P
  2. 23.

    whats it like being married to an older man haha.
  3. Omg! 20, 21, 22? :o
  4. Older. >.<
  5. Haha. Not sure if I dare...

    Hm. 16? 17? 18?
  6. Guess. :P
  7. Yey, ehehe.

    So, how old is my husband?
  8. Married.
  9. Deal.

  10. **** yeah.

    Every damn day.

    Three times a day.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 37
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