Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. Oh! Also since you made me remember the merpeople, I hereby grant you the honor of naming their ocean and the city in it ^^.

    And about that Mask of Eternity.. well the story is about a hero with an unknown past. He wants to save the world from evil by gathering the pieces of Mask of Eternity and slay the evil wizard (points for originality). Mask of Eternity is one of the earliest 3D games by the way, if I remember right.
    That's the game in a nutshell ^^.
    It is? Hmm.. I suppose it has to be him. Weird behaviour if you ask me ^^. He could at least say "Hi" every now and then. Oh well, he has his reasons.

    Darker than Black? Oh there just always has to be a comical relief somewhere in the main character ^^.

    Oww, I only get cold around here. With this rate, there'll be snow in a month or two. It isn't a bad thing but it makes driving a car a real pain ^^.

    If you want to have your own ending with Natalie and Elizabeth then you can just write it and post it up. Just add something like "Epilogue" into the start of the post ^^. My post will be the last one which seals those people's characters who want to join Ethan in his torment.
  3. PART I/II
    Hmm.. at first I had planned Happy Home to be a one hit miracle so to speak. But when you mentioned sequel.. my head just filled with ideas ^^.
    Now what I want from you is an ending for your character(s), Natalie and Elizabeth. The vanilla ending which is going to happen to Ethan is a cruel one(Natalie/Everyone can "join" Ethan if you/they wish). He won't die, but life will be a living hell for him. He'll be condemned into the deepest pits of Happy Home where he will be brainwashed constantly (in order to become a Saint). That gives the opportunity for a sequal.
  4. I'm enjoying an anime named Darker Than Black, which took me until I played a murder mystery game to rewatch the anime. Here is the jist of it:

    Hei is a contractor, a being with mystical and deadly powers. Contractors are known to be emotionless, ruthless killers who are all marked by stars in a "fake" sky. Of course, their abilities come with a price: they have to indulge in something (Hei has to eat a LOT of food). There are others born by the stars as well, but they are talked about in the anime. xD
    In order to carry out missions in secrecy, Hei wears a mask and bullet-proof coat at night and takes on the role of Li Sheingshun in his daily life. While Li is a clumsy, kind-hearted individual that seems to pop up whenever someone is in danger, Hei slaughters many contractors. Interestingly, he is despised by both contractors and the police alike, an ironic contrast to Li.

    ...I feel like I'm in a contract with water recently. I get really hot if I don't drink some.
  5. Well, it seems as good a time as any to start up on that epilogue for "Happy Home". Hopefully, it will simply be the conclusion that leads to a sequel. I would love to continue it in the summer, or perhaps when the RP decides to pick up (usually in the summer, but there are rare exceptions).

    About the message Anglo sent, it is quite obvious that that was him. You would need to know about this site, the password, the account name, and know how to navigate to the visitor messages. Overall, it would take a peculiar hacker to be able to communicate with us, as well as take the time to read my suggestions of comments and choose the creepy message that was left on my visitor messages.

    In other words, Anglo was just fooling around.
  6. To be honest.. I might have to start writing the epilogue of Happy Home soon. I really don't want to think about it, but it's going to happen if nothing is done. Of course I could post and start the fight but then I would just skip over Fieryfly. I'll have to ask her if she'd be okay with it, or if she is able to post.

    On a side note, that is a rather creepy message from "Anglo".
  7. Soooo...

    About Happy Home, it seems no one else posted. Also, with Befram having had quit, Anglo refusing to even leave a single comment of why he visits everyone's profiles without a word as to why he hasn't posted, and Fieryfly not being able to post yet, I don't see much hope for Happy Home surviving any longer. It saddens me that it will most likely die in such a sorrowful manner, but school has yet again reigned terror over the freedom of writing on RP sites.

    What are your feelings on this?
    Ko-konnichiwa, Takesh-kun :o. Hm, I wish I knew what time of day it is for you. xD It is 5:13 PM for me, so I'd probably say "Konbanwa," or "good evening". :o I can't do the marks over vowels, so I have to spell it "Ohayoo gozaimasu". :/

    Yeah, one is better than none. I hope you encounter more lefties. Wow, how's that for you? I couldn't even make heads or toes of the lyrics for Caramelldansen. xD Eep, don't use "was"; it makes it sound like she died. xD Anyways, it does make a difference depending on what hand you write with (my hand tends to smug ink that doesn't dry fast enough). As for how the writng comes out, people usually write in the same way (except for extra sloppy writing and the use of small font like I use :o).

    "OH WOW, YOU DID?!" (Thinks: Either Takesh is a genius, or he spent a LOT of time making that map). ...Wait, you didn't -- don't trick me like that. Hm, what was Mask of Eternity about (too lazy to look it up)?
  9. PART I/II
    Well, I don't have any game systems (except for nintend DS at the moment), nore do I have the money to buy it. If I could get it for free (giving away of old games), I'd play it, but money interferes with everything. :/ OMG, there is a Zelda for the Wii?! When I get a job, I should try and buy it. :o Bows are cool, but I still think swords are cooler. Then again, I might change my mind...
    Oh...I knew that (no I didn't; google only told me about the actual currency). So, in other words, you thought that I made Anglo copy off of Zelda by suggesting crystals as currency. :o For someone who never played the game, I make a lot of referrences...

    Hm...*****les, Blaze Shards, Holy Tears, Rues, Lums, Illums, Blazums, Zums, Cores, Solis, Solus, E****s, Souls, Anilos, Nilos -- Nilos! I like that (One Nilo, two nilos...)-- Cris, Affinities, Crais, Rais, Ryuus...I give up. Crystal Cavern...SHINY!
  10. PART II/II
    Konnichiwa Lokuri-san ^^. Did that go right? Ah, but now I at least understand the difference of Romaji, Hiragana and Katakana. Now I also finally know how "Ohayō gozaimasu" is spelled! ^^.

    Of course I won't go solely on your opinion about the mouse ^^. At least I have someone's opinion about it. My Swedish(mandatory around here) teacher was a leftie which made it really weird to look when she wrote on the blackboard. To me it looked awkward and yet the writing was as fluent as mine or anyone else's, a bit funny if you ask me ^^.

    I was about to yell "YEAH I ACTUALLY DID DO IT!" ^^. I was struggling to find myself a world which was pictured like earth when it was considered flat. Then I remembered an old game which I played as a child.. Mask of Eternity. It had exactly the world I was looking for ^^. I have no idea who drew the map though..
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