Conversation Between wesker123456 and lokuri

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. *pat pats* >:
  2. Hey! That's not my fault!If i don't post I'm behind, too! I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place!
  3. I barely have enoughtime to RP, let alone watch that. D:
    So, Ima close down OnRPG for now, come home tomorrow, and cry when I see how many posts I have to read. ;-;
  4. Oh my gosh!!! Well, I think "Holy Hand Grenade" And "A Shrubbery" Came from it, because some of the funniest parts had those in it! Watch it!! You HAVEEESS TOOOOO!!!!
  5. Sorry, can't say I ever watched it. D:
    I don't watch a lot of things, actually. Sooo, I am the wrong person to ask about those kind of things. xD

    I don't even know where all my channels on my TV are, so when I actually watch TV, I usually go in my mom's room. xD
  6. Yeah ^w^ Hey! Do you like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"?!
  7. Oh, okay! xD
  8. Lokuri does sound pretty, It's just the Lusia sound prettier ^_^
  9. *sniff* *sniff*

    You don't think Lokuri sounds pretty?

    Well, I did make the name up on the spur of the moment...
  10. ^w^ (I know, but Lusia's prettier and that's how i refer to you. Besides, tons of people call me Amanda instead of Wesker ^_^)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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