Conversation Between marx123 and Xynh

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Because i have a reason to ask what is it! i tell you what, Is it naot okay toa ask a question or not? do i have a freedom to ask or not? if it sickens you. why dont younot to post on my thread somethnig which is harass me. and im still learning, now i already know what is a thesis because i already have some info from a friend of mine , now im ready.
  2. You're a 3rd year and you don't know what a thesis is. It sickens me.
  3. Im an old member of onrpg, and you laughed because on what i wrote?
    seriously i had to ask for help to have some tips, then you laughed?
    dont think im funny, man,
    be mature enough ok? seriously .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3