Conversation Between Oisterman and Smiley

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Over here though it grows like that. It looks like some grape ape to me. Either its a legitly purple strain, or it got too cold. Its not black, its just a deep purple

    No, I'm not dutch, but I know my buds haha. Yours look pretty tasty too man
  2. Mate, that weed looks pretty bad, the leaves are black which can mean 2 things , either the weed was dried on a newspaper(pretty common since newspaper take the moisture out) which gets a little ink in the leaves hence the black color. Or the one who grew the buds took them off the plants to late.which makes toprot(dutch word translated budrot) which is really unhealthy to smoke. btw if you're duthc I'm sorry for telling you this as you probably already know .

    here's some good dutch weed compare the colors and the thc threads.
  3. Nice spliff son
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