Conversation Between Thetake and Symce

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hhmm I don't remember how long it took me to get to 90. It was when hyper-xp just came out, and ppl were hitting 90 and even 100 left and right. With Hyper-xp (a cash-shop item you guessed it) it became a lot easier, that's for sure.

    I'd say if you want to actively PvP and participate in the territory wars, you'd have to spend more than that 25 you mentioned.

    I guess it's part of why I like UWO so much, it does have a cash-shop but so far (imo) the advantages of using it are only minor. Oh and same about trying new-games though for now I'm hooked on UWO and Fallout: Vegas
  2. Cool, hey how long did it take you to get to lvl 90 in PW? Is it really cash shop dependent? I can spend maybe 25$ a month tops on a cash shop game, If I have to spend more than that to be on par with other players Ill just stop playing it now. Tales weaver looks cool from what I can see, haven't really played it past character creation. Hey if you ever want someone to try a game with ask me I'm willing to try anything pretty much.
  3. I played Perfect World for a while, I had a lvl 90 or something Psychic on that Tideborn server or whatever its been a while, heh. I dunno it got boring and that game is really gameshop dependant.

    I'm gonna try a little talesweaver when I can find a gap for it
  4. I havnt played in a long time, sicne open beta. It was an awesome game. My IGN was Lukoi. I may play again.... my goal was to be the highest level priest in the game. Never happend tho.. I'm playing Perfect world at the moment.
  5. Im liking it a lot so far, it's pretty sandbox, sailed for the first time to Calicut a few days ago, some sail but it's a lot of fun. Though I haven't joined any Company yet.

    Game's been keeping me pretty occupied, I guess until Cataclysm rolls around at least ^^ So you play too? What's your in-game name if I could ask?
  6. cool screen shot. How you enjoying Uncharted Waters?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6