Conversation Between Keria and zaberisk2

10 Visitor Messages

  1. its cute, small sized and it crashes alot and it makes me so hot when it crashes *rage*
  2. noticed it too late T_T
    dunno why'd he play the ds version though
  3. you realise that spirit's chrono trigger is nintendo ds version? lawl xD
  4. overkill indeed :3
  5. LMAO LMAO I GOT HIT BY ABSOLUTE ZERO AND ICE BLAST but the thing is i didn't notice it because nunu was in the bush AND it was overkill.. my janna... OH OW! @_@
  6. wow... it was THAT POWERFUL? even without the ap ratio it's as strong as a crowstorm o.0
  7. 625/875/1125 (+2.5 per ability power)
    imagine this with 500 ap / some -mres aura
  8. nunu's ult... doing 1500 damage? i never seen it do more than 900 damage though.. x.x
  9. nunu´s ulti will slow down anyone in its range and deal 1.5k dmg, without being fed
    next patch gonna nerf fiddle, but it really doesn´t matter that much. you can escape fiddle´s ulti by placing wards in forest / check forest with 1-2 people, simple as that:o
  10. wait a minute.. what do you mean nunu's ult is stronger than fiddle's? i never seen a nunu one hit kill >.>; i have only seen a few get hit by his ult yet seen fiddle players always succeeding a quadrakill and such.

    when the test realm patch goes live it will get a little difficult to quadrakill unlike now though.

    i know that flash and ghost are a good escape tool for fiddle's ultimate but oddly i don't run into a single party with one of those skills but instead they have one or two of these teleport,heal,ignite,exaust spells x(

    maybe they can run away even without those spells but if they're feared.. :O
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10