Conversation Between Wintersun and Oisterman

1 Visitor Messages

  1. So, theres this thing called DMT that some people believe is secreted by our pineal gland. Its also found in various grasses and trees, and even the bone marrow of giraffes. DMT, when obtained in its crystalline form is used by hippies and native tribes of certain areas as a "spiritual tool" (drug when abused, obviously.)

    Anyway, the chemical known as DMT (supposedly secreted by the pineal) is released in times of near-death. So, a near death experience, death, and even while sleeping.

    The good news is, that people who have DMT flowing through themselves often describe "one second as an entire eternity". So, if DMT is released into your body as you die - you slip into the DMT world (which can be good, or bad - see Heaven and Hell) as your mind dies. This split second could feel like an eternity...

    So, death could just be a beginning :]
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