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Thread: Why are views on sex between Europe and U.S. so different

  1. #1
    Phantom's Freak Reputation: 83
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    Default Why are views on sex between Europe and U.S. so different

    Why are views on sex so different in most of Europe than the U.S. From what I've heard, Europe is more relaxed and open to their sexuality. There are a lot more nude beaches, nude ads, lower age of consent for sex (as low as 13-14), better sex education, and I believe most parents are okay with their children having sex. Here in the U.S., we have a major obsession with sex yet almost everything sex related is taboo. Big obsession with boobs. Poorer sex education and a lot of parents seems to be against sex education. Pre-marital sex is a no-no to some parents here. I once witnessed an incident at the beach where a mom was breastfeeding her baby with a towel covered-up and security told her to cut it out due to public indecency which I think is ridiculous. There must be more differences that I'm missing...

    The root of the U.S. stems from Europe yet why are the views on sex so vastly different?

  2. #2
    HopeDagger's Henchman Reputation: 204
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    Because you are comparing a continent to a country.

  3. #3
    Phantom's Freak Reputation: 83
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    That's because a large portion of Europe is liberal regarding sex and I have no clue about views on sex in other North American countries as I do about the United States.

  4. #4
    Cloud13's Clown Reputation: 328
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    the catholic church, even for people who still go to church, kind of begins when you enter the building, and ends when you leave, if you know what i mean. it's waay less involved in the community. like i see most of these groups that are trying to provide surrogate father role models for young black men are affiliated with the baptist church, for instance. the catholic church doesn't play nearly so active a role in most communities. it might be different in filippino communities because they're a bit more hardcore about their faith, but i'm speaking from my own experience.

    even in italy, only the really old people seemed too fussed about going to church regularly. they still consider themselves catholic, but it's of secondary importance to them.

    i don't know why that's how it is, but yeah.

    not that i'm saying these faith-based organizations in america are all bad. i'm sure they do some good stuff as well. but they do tend to have very traditional views, and a lot of power in their communities.

    it's not that people are having less underage sex in these communities, anyway. it's that they're more ashamed and ignorant about it, and don't like to talk about it.

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