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Thread: Guild Wars 2 vs SWTOR?

  1. #1
    Lives in City of Zeroes Reputation: 23
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    Default Guild Wars 2 vs SWTOR?

    Been trying to find some games to play, and these 2 came to mind. Wanted to know what you guys thought of them and which was better. Im open to whatever you may recommend (all genres)

  2. #2
    Bongo Crazy Kong Reputation: 15

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    the two games are exact opposite of each other
    GW2 - great gameplay, PVP and graphics, but lacking in story and end-game contents
    Swtor - good story and cut-scenes, but every other aspects of the game were meh

    Neither of them require any subscription fees, so why not try both

  3. #3
    Game Journalist Reputation: 490

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    Unless it's changed, Guild Wars 2 requires a purchase of $50 to be able to play, but has no subscription after that. SWTOR on the other hand is free-to-play so you can try it without spending a dime. I would say play SWTOR before you buy GW2, as you might find you enjoy SWTOR enough to put money into it.

    That being said;

    GW2 - It has great graphics, fun combat, interesting classes, awesome World vs World vs World PVP where three servers are pitted against each other. I found the story in GW2 to be interesting, and a lot of the zones are very beautiful and tell a story that is worth enjoying. That being said, the game wasn't able to keep my interest past level 40. I got to level 40 and then just began to focus completely on WvWvW PVP until I eventually quit. I never really got into the crafting, but have heard good things about it.

    SWTOR - It's basically World of Warcraft with a Star Wars skin. Awesome story telling set in one of the most-loved and enjoyed fictional universes ever created. It has good graphics and typical point-and-click combat. I played it extremely briefly, however. To me, the game will never stand up to what SWG (and now the SWGEmu) was, so I just can't enjoy the game. However, if you've never played SWG (or didn't get to attached to it), it shouldn't be a problem for you to enjoy it.

  4. #4
    HopeDagger's Henchman Reputation: 23
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    I haven't played SWTOR because the art style and animations does not appeal to me. It might be really good, who knows.

    GW2 had great potential. The sPvP system is the only one of it's kind in the mmorpg genre as far as I've seen. If you are not familiar with sPvP (structured PvP) it is objective based BALANCED pvp, everyone has access to the same gear and everyone can join and be on the same level playing field from lvl 2.

    BUT, unfortunately the game suffers from an incredible lack of dev talent. The devs are what ****ed over this great game with its incredibly well designed sPvP system. The devs have no idea about balance and what would or would not be considered a fun PvP experience. There is too much sustain and there are too many damage immunity frames, to counter this the devs made condition damage which was a terrible band-aid to the core problem of too much sustain and and too many immunities. A level of sustain and immunity that should not exist in any competitive game.

    Don't play GW2.

  5. #5
    Sandman's Slave Reputation: 80
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    SWTOR: Boring combat and gameplay. Good story + voice-acting. Most quests are meh. Only storyline quests are good, unfortunately they alone are not enough to carry you thru the story. The game kept me for 2 months. (subscription)

    GW2: Story is ok-ish at best. Fun combat and gameplay. The best part is doing the battlegrounds if you like it. This kept me going back to it for yrs now.

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