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Thread: Want to make a unique MMORPG

  1. #1
    Marios's Mustache Wax Reputation: 10

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    Default Want to make a unique MMORPG

    I've been wanting to make an MMORPG for a LOOONNGG time, and think i finally have an idea of what i want. First off, though, the engine needs to be fairly simple, but very versatile and powerful nontheless. And i would appreciate a low or free price. I want to build a game in a sort of Guild Wars-ish 3D world, in which the outcome of battles depended not on your character's skill, but the player's skill. The gameplay would be much like GunZ. There would be no levels. This may sound odd, but this way one could build his character's melee style off of a point system that you would have to complete in order to finish your character. You would assign points to archery, swordsmanship, or sorcery. (Of course there would be many different kinds of the above, like instead of just swords, one could wield knives, and instead of sorcery, one could have summoning.) You could place these points however you saw fit to work with your fighting style. This game would also be total PVP after 10 miles outside any town. There would be monsters, but one could get XP off of other players as well. The amount of XP would be based on the point system above. The fighiting would be totally hack n' slash with WASD keys. you could switch between the mouse interface as well. However, after killing more than one person within and hour, you would be marked a murderer and merchants would not sell to you for the rest of the day. Also, clothing style would be very important, you could make your character look VERY cool.

    What think? Are there any simple MMORPG makers that can make something like this....?

  2. #2
    Bongo Crazy Kong Reputation: 10
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    you sure did put alot in there...i know of some but you have to make it sort of shorter...on the details

  3. #3
    Illgamez Insomniac Reputation: 43
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    The amount of origanality you want, you'd probably have to code the game yourself.

    If you want to create a game very origanal, your not going to find an editor that lets you do it easily. For one, "EZeditors" are made to make a bulk of different games that run along very simple principles (aka experience, mp, etc.).

    My best suggestion would be to download Multiverse (when it goes gold, and yes it will be free) and learn how to mod its code. [google it]

    ---Info on Multiverse---
    Multiverse is one of the few (if not only) fully 3d mmorpg creator.
    To completly make your game origanal, you would need to learn some codeing; however, one could create a game using the games prebuilt engine with, perhaps, simple coding knowledge.

    Multiverse is free (only if you don't make people pay)

    However, Multiverse is currently in open beta, and should only be used right now by those comfortable with buggy errors, console commands, and ini file editing.

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