DOTA 2 Card Is Working on a Card Game

ARTICLE by Jason Parker [Ragachak] We’re awash in a sea of Children’s Trading Cards. Magic the Gathering, Hand of the Gods, Duelyst, Hearthstone . . . Some of these are similar to another. Hell, P...

This Just In: New VR Mode coming to DOTA 2!

ARTICLE The Virtual Reality craze is really going wild. You can’t swing a dead cat without finding a new game with a VR Mode, or a new VR game on the Vive, or PSVR, etc. But we found something really in...

Dota 2 – 7.00: What does it mean?

ARTICLE Today, DOTA2 7.00 goes live, and I had to ask myself an important series of questions, like “What does this mean?” and “Do I care?” and “Why does every single MOBA have S...

(Why) You’ll Still Be Shit at MOBAs in 2016

FEATURE By Colton Leighton (ColtronXL)   Editor’s Warning: This article is written in a language competitive MOBA players can understand. This is extremely offensive to the general populace. Viewer discret...