Conversation Between RedWraithQueen and Riz

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was being semi-sarcastic, you know!
  2. Woe is me, that sort of thing? Well, you'll find joy somewhere. [But maybe I'm just an optimist.]
  3. I have no joy. My happiness is dead. More cliches. Etc.
  4. Aw. Work sucks...thank God for Spring Break. Anyhoo, hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night.
  5. Eh, I'll just point to my boss at work and leave it at that. Well, it was also 3AM when I typed that.
  6. Good, enjoying my break. Why so tired/stressed?
  7. Well, that was awkward.

    I is tired and overly stressed out, dawg. Yourself?
  8. I hate you...cause you're beautiful. ;_;

    No prob mang. So how is thou?
  9. You are late. Why you hate me? ;-;

    And thanks.
  10. Oh, so yous a green-name man now? You think yous special? YOU THINK YOU BETTER THAN ME!?

    lolol. Congrats, and I know I'm late. :3
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 165
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