Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. IV/IV - I'll be less vague!

    Wu - Their dazzling bodies are etched with jewels bearing a hue unique to each individual. Also, gray skin to contrast to the vivid jewels. Oh, and their eyes are also white (as their hair) and diamond shaped. Their nails are their weapons, so they are strong and really long, without bending (think of how a cat sharpens their "nails"). They can glide, their feet not touching the ground, but they cannot fly.
    Minar - Minar makes me think more of bulls than lizards (maybe I'm thinking of Minotaur?), so tell me if I stray too far from lizards (i.e. horns). To be honest, lizards creep me out (reminds me of Reptile on Mortal Kombat, lizard form).
    Papio - I think they should also wear robes (which adjust to their wings) with long hoods (love these!) as religious garments, and they love deep meditation, which makes them both knowledgable and cautious in battle (they don't let their emotions best them). And yes, talons are a must!

  2. II/IV - *ahem* Moving away from creepy smiles and suicide...How's school? xD

    Well, almost everything in KHR is EXTREME, and omni- relates to "everything." Another omni- word? Omnipotent!
    Turns out the apple head is an inverse mask (covering everything but the face)!

    Or the developers actually like the new animation. O.O Well, Naruto and FFX-2 both come from Japan? :o I gave up when I couldn't beat the three chibis near the end of the game. xD

    Yeah, I got nothing (I forgot why we were talking about plots). :3
    New subject?

    III/IV - It'd be "optimistic narcissist." Why does everyone go for the hair? I have friends, but I just "found" them recently at school (they were being "elusive").

    I wrote it, but I probably was influenced by other "destiny" discussions.
    It's sad when the family you live with cares less than the rest of your family. :/
    Speaking of RPM *coughs* *points to ToA*.

    Cell phones FTW?
  3. I/IV - Yay! Conversation(s) resumed! My laptop is still slow (hates youtube, freezes on facebook games, redirects links I clicked on google), but it works. x.x My birthday week is more painful than any first day of school (when essays and readings collaborate).

    Flexing your muscles proves your masculinity, so it's proof that you aren't just feminine.

    'Tis why I like my own laptop, but my mom recently got me an iPhone. I still haven't activated it. >.>

    Well, anime is drawn by someone different from the artist of a manga.
    Yeah, there definitely is intensity in that bread manga. Hint: it takes muscles to make up for talent when making bread. The mangaka also got a reward for it. :O You should check it out. It's called "Yakitatte Japan," or simply "Yakitatte!".
  4. It's okay.

    True, but I think the new heartless (Dream Eaters?) are substitutes for "Noise," meaning the chief behind the "Game" could still be Joshua (if the final bosses aren't Xemnas and Ansem).
    Well, Riku could take Neku's place (as far as "TWEWY" is concerned). That is, Riku could unknowingly help Joshua, being against the players of the "Game." Riku's ability to resist Joshua in order for Team Neku (including Sora) to free the players from the "Game" would prove his Mark of Mastery. Or something like that.

    Of course. I am a part of the mafia (or am I?).
    Everyone has a faminine and masculine side. Most people just choose to display the side according to their gender.

    Not true. My mom's broke and I doubt anyone will get me a 3DS for a game coming out in 2012. xD
    Wait for a price drop? :O
    Square-Enix loves experimenting with game systems. xD (They said so with the TWEWY release.)
  5. Finally ^^. I missed this.

    I agree, I really hope Joshua is included. Including him makes sense because of the timer in Neku's hand, just like you said. Hmm.. though I suppose the Heartless could also have something to do with the timer, just in order to make it KH related.
    Joshua and Riku, huh? I honestly have no idea how that would end up. Could be something quite interesting in any case.

    Heh, funny how you said you haven't "visited" the mafia in a while. Makes it look like you can just waltz in and get information as you please.
    You've gotten used to my.. feminine side? Agh, I'm feminine, aren't I? T_T

    At least you're bound to get the 3DS though. That's something ^^.
    That's exactly my biggest problem with 3DS, there are only two worthwhile games for it at the moment. The thing even costs over 300€ here so it feels really stupid to start paying so much for it.. Anti-climactic is the perfect word to describe it.
    Ugh, why do they have to keep jumping from system to system? >.<
  6. Haha! Yes, the shock was so great, it took me a week to recover and respond. ;p

    Now, the question remains: Where is Joshua?!
    (He should totally encounter Riku...)

    Ah, yes. I haven't visited the mafia in awhile, so I forgot how well information is gathered before-hand. :3 I kind of realized that, but I'm kind of use to your...*ahem* feminine side. (Joke? :O) I just thought it was for stylistic purposes, like how Sora looks on the cover of KH:CoM.
    Even so, the timer still appears on Neku, so my hopes to see Joshua isn't totally dashed! xD

    Yeah, but I probably won't get a 3DS till Christmas (missed the August sale ). And of course, lack of games to play would make the moment anti-clamatic (well, except Zelda).

    Quick indeed! :O
  7. Oh god, you spazzed out for a week?! Perhaps I should avoid delivering any news to you from now on.. ~ Joke ^^.


    I have connections, dear Lokuri.. ^^ (.. to the mafia!!). Ahem! Puns aside, I think I'm the one who sounded more like a fan girl which is rather sad considering my gender. Yeah, Neku is awfully thin.. I guess they wanted to retain the TWEWY style (as in everyone is anorectic) even in 3D.
    There is one piece of bad news though. There won't be a TWEWY world, Neku seems to be a resident in Traverse Town. He's probably the guest party character there.

    Oh! Your birthday is in a few days, right? Geez, wish I had someone to beg a 3DS from. I just have to save up money.. a lot of it, actually I need to save up LOADS of it. So many things to buy..

    EDIT! Quick response FTW ^^.
  8. Sorry for recieving this news so late, but I spazzed out when you delivered the news!


    OMG, how did you discover this information?! Eep, I need to calm down. I'm starting to sound (and feel) like a fan girl. I just checked a demo with Neku in it. He looks awesome in 3D, but they could have, I don't know...fatten him up a bit? xD It's like the shock of seeing Barbie life-sized!

    Now I want the 3DS too. T_T I wonder if I should call up my uncle and say, "I know what I want for my birthday now!" xD
  9. Oh. My. God! I'm totally overreacting but I don't actually care right now.

    Guess who squeezed himself into the newest Kingdom Hearts? Neku from TWEWY. This means there is going to be a TWEWY world!! I.. Now I'm actually considering to buy the 3DS. It will be awesome to see Neku in KH!
  10. IV/IV - The RP deserves that much ^^.

    Excellent! I was hoping that you had something different in mind.

    Wu - Their bodies are bejeweled with each bearing their own hue.. That's a part I don't quite understand. What do you mean with bejeweled bodies?
    Minar - Yay! Got the sort of lizardmen through ^^.
    Papio - Ah, the "bird" people so to speak. They should also have talons instead of normal feet!
    Creedo - Elemental beasts.. Yeah, I like that. They should be scattered all across Silmeria since they are bound to have variety. Their birthplace could still be Creedo.
    Krich, Ariyo - An intriguing concept. We could call these people Fades or Shades.. what do you think? They are very original nonetheless ^^.
    Alegn - Hm? I thought the RP starts from Avant Bastion? Perhaps you meant that Alegn is the city the Visi start from?
    Ser - No RP is complete without some form of merpeople ^^.

    Seems to have worked so far ^^.
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