Conversation Between Kamilla and Klaime

1086 Visitor Messages

  1. Jajajajajajaja
  2. Maybe not East Asian. Perhaps Asian? Perhaps half? Now I don't know. Definitely half. Perhaps more? Thanks for confusing me, you Mexican.
  3. Shows how Asian you are.
  4. Sorry, I can't math.
  5. You're the closest one to Alaskaland, so if you just do the math and round up, YOU ARE ALASKAN! Dun dun dun.. I just blew your mind. Now you can live knowing that you are truly the Alaskan one.
  6. Better than Alaskaland? I'm not too sure about that, since I'm not Alaskan, but you're right, Mexicaland sounds like a great place! Gang violence is my favourite type of violence!!
  7. Better than being in Alaskaland. It's always nice and sunny and there are Latinas too! Guns and gang violence; WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO LIVE IN MEXICALAND.
  8. Looks like I've had it wrong since the beginning. You're really from Mexicaland. Sorry for treating you like an Alaskan over the past few years.
  9. I do mean coming UP to Canadialand. CAUSE I don't live in Alaskaland like you do, so I can't really travel south to CANADIALAND.
  10. Yeah, so close to Alaska, BUT NOT ALASKA, MEANING, I'M NOT ALASKAN, YOU ARE. OK. THANKS.
    In all seriousness, what do you mean cold up here? You're further north than I am, silly.
Showing Visitor Messages 1021 to 1030 of 1086