Conversation Between Klaime and Kamilla

1086 Visitor Messages

  1. 16 hours of sleep? Are you in hibernation mode? Screw studying, let's play MS!
  2. Yup yup. Bed too warm. Impossible to wake up. x_x
    Well, I stopped playing MS as of last week, 'cause of finals and whatnot. I'll start again in a week!
  3. What. You go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 4pm; are you serious? And you're playing MapleStory again?
  4. But I go to sleep at 10 PM! Silly you. I'm not the Alaskan, you are!
    I'd sleep earlier, but I started playing MapleStory again. >_>
    Ahh, that makes sense, our term started right after New Years. :o
  5. Until 4?! I realize that you Alaskans have to hunt for your food especially at night but this is madness! I don't remember when this semester started, late January maybe.
  6. I skipped classes to sleep in. I've been sleeping in until 4 PM quite often. :c
    Woah, really? Your Alaskan school system ends late. When did you guys start?
    Last day of exams for us is the 21st, and lucky me, I has one that day, lololol.
  7. That's what you get for skipping classes to go ice fishing. And your final is tomorrow? My semester ends in May.
  8. yay! You Alaskan, you're the once ice-fishing.
    And mah Calc 2 exam's tomorrow. Calc 1 was easy stuffs. Haven't been to class in a while, missed everything about series. Now I have to catch up in time for tomorrow. D:
  9. Calc? Harharharh that was so easy; I took it last semester. Getting destroyed in Calc 2 though.. And who ice fishes? You and your family?
  10. In Alaska? I dunno, do you? Here in Canadaland, we have universities. I has a calc exam tomorrow, yayyayayayayay. I don't know what I'm doing over here.
    Fishing? Ice fishing? Sounds like fun!
Showing Visitor Messages 1061 to 1070 of 1086