Conversation Between Elegance and Greed

109 Visitor Messages

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  1. NEVER! I refuse to go back to endless dungeoning! The hours upon hours of bossing! The.. the.. thought of it just simply fills me with unspeakable horror!
  2. You so don't. Give in to the dark side. You can't forget your past! D<
  3. I can't! I won't! I have bills to pay ;o;
  4. You know you want it Greedie. I got the stuff for can't resist it. <3
  5. ooo mabii +___+

    I shouldn't touch the game, it's like my heroin x-x
  6. D: If it makes you feel any better. I started playing Mabi and Imagine again.
  7. Living a bachelor life.. which isn't as fun as it is in the movies ;o;
  8. Oh you and your magical Greed-o ways.
    How iz you bby?
  9. Dunno how I ended up in elly's page but lol at V
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 109 of 109
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