Conversation Between Paladin Catling and Groteske

173 Visitor Messages

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  1. Fine....I am really 108.....but don't tell anyone.
  2. You are not 100!
  3. *opens wide* Fyahwenradaay.
  4. Ready!!!!!?
  5. Shoot me in the face......
  6. I'd shoot you. . . but not with bullets. . .
  7. Do I?
    If I act all serious then well I'd be no fun.
  8. You need to grow up.
  9. Hmm you're the first person that has ever wanted to be shot in the face.
    But if that is your final wish I will comply!
    *pulls out his bazooka* Death becomes you.
  10. I like it in the face usually.
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 173
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