Conversation Between RedWraithQueen and Riz

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. Eh? o_0;

  2. Lies. Lies and slander.
  3. were AFK...I didn't know...>_<
  4. You need to send me these demands on msn or xfire!

  5. DGO.
    Go On.
  6. ...Fine, be that way. -frolic off-
  7. Wanna end up smelling like that diaper? No thanks. -grabs a salad-
  8. Ya' know, if you only look for the bad stuff then that's all you'll find! Like that box of use...d...nevermind.

  9. -gags- It's dirty...and smelly. Oh god was that a diaper?!
  10. But why? It's so nice in the gutter. Look at all the random stuff!
Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 165
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