Conversation Between Paladin Catling and Groteske

173 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not even for a snuggle?
  2. Why should I bring you along?
    You'll only get in my way.
  3. Let me come with you! I like trains.
  4. I'm leaving on a crazy train, don't know if I'll ever be back again.
  5. Oh, dont leave me O.o
  6. I'm gonna stop talking to you for a while.
    I'm feeling way to shitty for jokes and bad grammar.
  7. loooolz yous still livz with youz parentzz rofl
  8. Uhh I have some pretty big hands.........the people call me big hands.

    Mom: "Hey big hands!"
    Me: "Hello you bich."
  9. Omg, be seriously, you wouldn't be able to hold him in your hands, omfzg failz0r loooolz.
  10. Well when I switch into nice mode I become a passive aggressive sweetie pie.

    Yep you are a big strong manly man!!!

    Really? *holds Godzilla in his hand* Is that all of it?
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 173
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