Conversation Between shadowsworn and Xenonight2

129 Visitor Messages

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  1. you mean for stealing your avatar or your joke (or both)? :]
  2. Well, you're unoriginal.
  3. Plan B to Destroy Your Sanity is a complete success, then *writes on clipboard*
  4. You're confusing the hell out of me with that avatar. I had the exact same image a few months ago as my avatar, and now I keep thinking "I didn't post that - OH WAIT IT'S SHADOWSWORN THAT JERK"
  5. y isnt ur something nother on MSN
  6. I have a goddamn question

    Why the goddamn have you not been on the goddamn MSN goddamnit!
  7. Hope you get Bone Orchard going again soon!
  8. Yay vindication :]

    Thanks. You are also an excellent RPer
  9. You're a very much excellent RPer
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 129 of 129
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