Conversation Between Lawliet1 and Groteske

234 Visitor Messages

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  1. Would you like that with a sippy straw?
  2. lulz You made me laugh so hard.
    Now stop talking and let me taste your Jesus juice<3
  3. The catholic church made full use of the loop hole for pedophelia.
  4. Hmm yes that does make sense. ^^
    There is a loop hole for everything. :3
  5. Not if you bless your tummy before swallowing,lubby.
  6. Yes father!
    I shall do as you command.....
    But wait isn't it a sin to spill your seed?
  7. Yes my child.

    It will also be embodiment of your bottom

    all children must go through this atleast once

    think of it as being baptized,Except instead of water its my penis.
  8. Oh I see.....Is your Dick the embodiment of Christ?
  9. Yes,Its called my dick
  10. Oh is there a holy tool in your pants? =o
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 234
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