Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. III/IV - Well, it's quite hard to relay your feelings through text alone. Although you're correct, I'm not that devastated really. Must be because I'm such an optimist.. ^^. I think that both of them will be happier this way.

    Ah, I'm not moving out because of their divorce ^^. A bizarre coincidence, or a planned one. Nevertheless they never pressured me to move out, it was my own choice. If I was all alone then that'd be bad but I'm glad I'll have to roommates. In fact, we found an apartment we liked and took it. I'll move out in a manner of weeks.
    That reminds me, don't be surprised if I vanish for a few days. It might take some time to organize stuff in the new apartment ^^.

    It might serve as a nice paranormal event ^^.
    7 AM?! Did you stay awake the whole night? Wow, I've never succeeded in that. My best is 5 AM, I just couldn't go on anymore at that point.
    Oh! So in order to even be able to use your powers, you have to become connected to your twin? Yeah, that works.
  2. II/IV - A simple shake of the head and smile goes a long way ^^.

    Slight change of topic! Read the latest chapter of KHR manga? Flan/Fran has an apple stuck in his head O.O. I mean.. Wow, I did not see that coming. KHR always manages to surprise me with its random quirks.
    Yeah, I knew about the anagram thing ^^. That's probably the connection I'm looking for here.

    I thought I'd amuse myself by watching the most recent episode of Naruto anime. They were talking about the Fourth Great Ninja War.. . Basing how dark Naruto has become, I'm fairly sure we'll get to see plenty of characters die again (Damn you for killing Jiraiya!). There's a hint that even Naruto might die which would most likely serve as the ending. I don't think I want to watch it.

    That must be the best insinuation about plotting something while plotting nothing at all. Clever, in a bizarre sense, I'd say. Multireverse psychology? Hmm.. perhaps I'm thinking too much on this.
  3. I/IV - Yeah, kind of like mood swings. From what I can gather, your cousin is still pretty young so mood swings aren't surprising ^^.

    Well they are! I mean an iPod is just so thin that it feels like a leaf in my hand. Like I said, I don't use mp3 players or such to listen to music anymore. Back when I did, it was this big block which was like three times as thick as an iPod (I liked it though, and it was really cheap). I'm not strong even though people have an annoying habit of making this connection: Tall = Strong.

    I thought of that actually. Maybe he transferred into the old guy because he was the manager of DW? That would've placed him right on the top. Ah.. so many questions.

    Oh yeah! Just remembered that Ganta's memory was wiped away or something, you can see it since he doesn't know who Shiro is when his mother sent Ganta away. He probably feels pretty terrible because of it, we'll see if he runs into Shiro.
    What do you mean how many "I"s are there? Like personalities?
  4. It'll get noisy again soon.

    Well, it is fun annoying people as "anons," especially if you secretely know the person (heh heh...), but other than that, it can be a let-down as well as irritating (why can't I hunt the person down who disliked my video? D: ). Heh, "cyberbullying" is just as bad as "cyber-****" (I mean, all you have to do is not read it, unlike real life encounters).

    Yeah, you did sound like a shrink just then. xD I mean, AMVs are meant to be shared, especially on youtube, which is known for how many "views" you have (and after that, "likes" and comments).

    Hm, I'll keep that in mind. Of course, I remember you liking the ending more than the actual video. o.O Ah, but I fixed the cam (as you saw with the recent AMVs), so if I feel up to it, I can record more of KMR.
  5. IV/IV

    I love how the topic changed so suddenly. I would have been oddly pleased to have more money than I requested, but considering the extra money came from a loan, I definitely wouldn't want to pay it back. :/ I guess it's one of those "Lucky - erk, bummer!" moments when something surprising happens, only for reality to settle in and ruin the good mood. o.o I hope that gets handled quickly wihout any misfortune.

    Too bad you can't post much as VMs. xD It's sad how much you can write solo compared to when you encounter RPer's characters. :O
    I'd need like...well, a lot more "parts" to write a decent size "post" on here. xD
    There's also "Superior RPers," "Mafia RPers," "Supreme RPers," "Awesome RPers," Fabulous RPers," "Sparklicious RPers," etc.

    I love the "yet" attached to that last sentence.

    These are getting shorter. o.o
  6. III/IV - You seem...oddly happy. o.o I'd be devestated if I were you, but then again, I'm such a pessimist. ._.

    I still think that parents should sacrifice their happiness for their children. Did you get anything out of the divorce at least? It's a good thing they divorced when you weren't younger, but I still think they could have helped you out more. (Suddenly being on your own must be hard...) But, well, you seem to be handling your situation well, and that's what counts.

    I'm sure it might happen at least once in the RP, though. o.o
    Funny, because for awhile there, I somehow got lost in my words (but then again, I have yet to sleep yet and it's nearly 7AM ). Hm, I was thinking more along the lines of maintaining contact with the twin in order to use powers at all and, when that contact is made, the skills being halved in power.
  7. II/IV - I tried to find "your welcome" on google translator, but I didn't like any of them, so for now, I'll just stick with "ii," "hai," "oui," or a simple shake of the head with a smile. xD Okay.

    Yeah, I have to admit that "Generation X" also sounds cool, making it fitting in relation to the mafia.
    Well, you must have known that Org. XIII used anagrams including a name (or random letters for some; i.e. Demyx) and an "X," which is common knowledge even if you didn't play KH:BbS. Also, number 10 happens to be Luxord, "The Gambler of Fate."

    Naruto doesn't have fillers? I was certain -- ah! xD Yeah, Naruto is basically based on fillers with some storyline in between. :3

    Perhaps I am plotting something as well, something that may be hidden in my recent comments on the ToA group chat, or perhaps I am just speculating about the hardships of being a moon elf with no direction at all. (Haha!...?)
  8. I/IV - Kind of like mood swings? Ah, speaking of which (yes, I'm leading into another topic sparked by my own words o.o), I think my little (2nd) cousin has mood swings. One minute, he's playing in his imaginary world, the next he's pouting over some trivial matter. o.O

    iPods are frail? Just what kind of devices do you use and just how strong are you?! I just like it because it's a portable internet. xD
    I would have to say that it must have to do with the experiments dealt to him. Somehow, instead of getting a split personality, he miraculously shriveled and crinkled until be became an old man? o.o Or he did his first transfer with an old guy?

    Let's not forget Ganta's condition. He's brain must feel like he just went through Kein's "game" and the memories don't quite fit. (And just how many "I"s are there?!) Crow's basically gone beserk, though. (I hope it's enough to keep him living till the end, though I doubt it. )
  9. It has grown rather silent I must admit.

    Gotta love the freedom in the Internet. Since you're anonymous, you're not entitled to do anything. It's like a haven for bullies (however I find the term "cyberbullying" just plain ridiculous). That's why I think you're brave that you actually post your AMVs here ^^.

    I know that feeling. It just makes anxiety grown in your heart and you feel insecure, like you're not good enough to make AMVs (for example). It all comes down to this though: You make AMVs because you want to ^^. That's all there is to it.
    Do I sound like some old shrink to you? I fear I do O.O.

    Heh, I knew this question was coming ^^. It's a solid AMV just like any other but to be honest, the best one you've done is the very first one you sent to me. It's the KHR AMV ^^. It's just really memorable for me.
  10. IV/IV

    Yeah, especially if the change is sudden. A funny thing happened today, I took a loan which all students can take (max 1500 euros). I took the max amount and the money was transferred to my account today.. now I have nearly 4000 euros on my account to my prior 20€ (Poor me). I think someone miscalculated the sum.. . I haven't gotten any response about it yet, it's not funny to suddenly get 3 times the amount of loan you originally wanted!

    Haha! Yeah, that's pretty much how it would go now ^^. Add in a few extra NPCs like the store clerk and some angry old man who can't find his money and you have a full sized post!
    Yup, word limit is ready to slam right into your face the moment you try to unleash some of that writing potential ^^.
    Ooh! Elite RPers.. I like the sound of that.

    A fabulous character, even if technically he doesn't exist yet.
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