Conversation Between Groteske and SnOwBunZz

133 Visitor Messages

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  1. Murder? Nah... he volunteered to have some nice **** with me. :o
  2. Oh terrible things! Especially to lolis who are a suspect of MURDER!
  3. What will happen? :o

    I like more than you would ever think.
  4. Shut up PUNK! Or I'll take you down~town! You wont like what happens!
  5. I'm not Robin so I don't see how this relates to me. o.o
  6. My ninja skills say you're hiding but my batman ***** says I want to **** Robin.
  7. But why not?! I'll be Captain Hook you be Perter Pan and let's see who gets who on the poopdeck.
  8. Yes, but no penetration! D:<

    At least not wit that....
  9. Then can I use all the sharp toys on you?
  10. Go ahead. :o

    I'll be sent to hell and from what I've heard, hell has awesome BDSM. :o
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 133
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