Conversation Between Hatashi and sidimazz

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Just me? Please. Im kinda really low on money and blogger only gets me a 100 a month as well. >_<
  2. I'm not using blogger anymore xP.
    That would only get me $100 or so, which is not much.

    Sorry I can't really tell you more, what I'm doing is one of a kind, and if I told everyone my revenue would drop.
  3. I wanna learn how to blogger!
  4. Well, my apologies but I can't reveal everything to you.
    But I'll try my best.

    1. Varies, from $400 to $900.
    2. Hard work, reliable sources, and a lot of investments.
    3. Sorry, cant tell you that.
  5. Please answer my 3 questions.

    1. How much money do you get on a monthly basis?
    2. How do you get all of this money?
    3. What is your project?
  6. Can you atleast tell me what Im supposed to do to get money?
  7. Sorry, but we are not needing anyone right now at the moment >_<.
    We work with 4 people already, and that is enough.

    I'll tell you if we need help though.
  8. Yo, I want to cash in with you on that money making idea. :P So uhm hurry up tell me what to do, and we can be bonny and cylde of course i call bonny.
  9. You should just give me the account
  10. I don't have xFire.

    I got Steam though - Name = RightClick
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
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