Conversation Between drawnzer54 and Cingal

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not interested in WoW?!
    Have you given it a chance? \:
  2. I've never played Latale. =x

    I know that Elegance plays it however.

    Eh, not so interested in WoW at all for me sadly. =x
  3. Hm.
    I just downloaded LaTale, is that any good?
    I mainly play WoW now, If I buy a 60 day card I better make the most of it. :P
    The new Cataclysm expansion is a huge turnoff for me right now D:
  4. I was playing SUN earlier with Bacn and Elegance, but, Bacn doesn't approve, I might play it again with Elegance some time however.

    Other than that, nothing. x=
  5. Lmao, You were always laid back =P
    Playing any games lately? O:
    We need to hit some shit up if you're not.
  6. Hehe, I can't get away with such things any more I'm afraid. =P
  7. Yea, it's not too bad.
    It's getting boring coming here, hah, but I have time to kill.
    There's nothing better then getting some RAGEE from users.
  8. Fair enough then, I suppose it must be nice to have gotten away from most of the drama of the forums. =x
  9. Just from time to time.
    I'm bored and my intarwebz isn't good enough to support WoW atm.
    (Stealing it from a neighbors, waiting on Bell.)
  10. You.... You're posting again!?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
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