Conversation Between xWalrus and Groteske

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. A baboon in a suit and tie.

    With a Cuban cigar, of course.
  2. Who are you to say that I a man of culture can not bring a goat to a funeral. Even goats need a little taste of reality to see that no one! No one! Is free of death.... Well of course unless you believe in goat vampires who feed on dead men's flesh to remain immortal. But that is none of your concern and of course the master will be wearing a suit and tie! What do you take me for? A baboon? Good day sir!
  3. No! I have a borat style swimsuit
  4. Yeah yeah! Keep your panties in a bunch.
  5. ?!?!?!!?weweefwefwef
  6. Tears?! I'm all faped out.
  7. but bear doesn't rhyme with tear. -.-
  8. A beer?! I think you mean bear...
  9. Ok man fine fine fine, I'll give you a beer.
  10. Stop making me cry, cry, cry these gumdrop tears.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 61
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