Conversation Between Runwiththelight and tooflubu

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. wow guess what? after all of that I go to log in and it's maintenance time dang. gratz on lvl 11
  2. Haha, well i'm already lvl 11! (off of little bandits and little hooligans, so fast leveling lol)! I'm gonna take a small break! :P
  3. FurendoriTora woah definitely have to write that one down
  4. Mine's is FurendoriTora, FriendlyTiger x) And yeah, the exp is like tripled in this version compared to Ran-World, and there's still definitely people playing. I'm in Sacred Gate fyi
  5. I had to uninstall some stuff being as i currently have 3GB left on my hard drive lol but will be in soon don't know I might go with CherryLipgloss if I can or something with colors or fruit
  6. There's definitely still a comunitee! I'm creating a new character now, not sure what to name him though! (Probably something with an animal name, therefor if I ever create a guild .. yah know, lol)
  7. I just downloaded the myrosso version too! So atm I have Ran World and Myrosso installed. (PS, I was born in Miami! :P)
  8. I'm downloading it ( Myrosso) now and I live in Florida so I didn't have much lag. I hope the community hasn't all gone to private server. I'll see soon
  9. I'm not sure if Myrosso is laggy for me seeing as I live in the states. I mean, when I used to play it, there was barely any lag. Also, do you know how the population is?
  10. I was playing for awhile on ran private server" graveyard spirit ran" I still have it installed though but I'm looking at going back to myrosso, ran-world idk yet.
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