Conversation Between jack_frost and Abhorsen

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. im GrandTickler and added u but i dont see u in the lsit
  2. lvl 10 mage now, IGN AsianNerd =)
  3. cool man :P i just made a berserker, its already level 12ish tho.
  4. I'll be on torchlight tonight, i messed up my engineer skills lol gonna create new character probably
  5. thanks man, i got 1 now. thanks to an amazing member :P
  6. Good luck getting a torchlight key
  7. i wish u best of luck on becoming a game dev i got email but i dont check there every day, it might be better if you pm me if u want because i check my inbox here multiple times a day
  8. I'm planning to go to university and learn computer science and hopefully become a video game developer (my dream) if not i'll be the ICT repair guy lol or a freelance creative artist (i draw anime but i need more practice, im hoping to learn 3D modeling aswell but it looks complicated), i've been accepted and gonna start university this september.

    I'm not a social person so i will have to put in the effort to make friends at university I hope you find happiness in whatever you do and don't give up (sorry for this cheesy part).

    Got MSN/aim/email? Seems we get along well as we're both have similar life experiences.
  9. thanks, i hope u dont follow the same path :P it sucks how much something fun like 'games' can mess up a life indeed lol
  10. I lost a year of college due to ragnarok online addiction and i had to repeat a year, I guess too much of a good thing like MMORPGS can wreck people lifes =(

    At the moment I'm still a hermit otaku, i'm similar to you but I've finished college, sorry to hear about your dark past, it's like my life story but more serious.
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