Conversation Between Darkone121 and Kamilla

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  1. 5 feet , just 5 feet.
    yeah.. if he trusted me so much, he'd let me hang out with a guy that really cares alot about me... i don't get it, he KNOWS the guy, and he hardly knows any of my guy friends. D;
  2. Lol, how tall are you btw? Dang, so like, he'll take you to ur guy friends house? He must trust you alot then.
  3. i can't see myself driving soon. Dx
    i still feel like a little kid; maybe it's cause of my size.. :P
    good thing my brother's on my side for the most part..he'll drive me if i need to go out anywhere, even if it's to go hang out with guys- but the only time he wont drive me somewhere if it's to go hang out with my 'guy-friend'. x__x
  4. Lol i see...haha, yeah i had some of those texts, usually i keep em till my mom came home or something lol.
    Wow, your lucky, i cant wait till i get my license...and my new phone...Its going to be complete freedom. And alot of parties. =D
  5. yeah, i started doing that AFTER i found out he was going through my texts.. although , sometimes ya know, there's some texts that you wanna keep cause they're sweet lmao.
    oh, my dad thought that we had school today- but we didn't lmao. so i just stayed at his place xD
  6. Wow, so why dont you just delete all your text before he sees them? Lol, so your dad doesnt let you talk to guys, but he lets you go to your guy friends house? Lol...
  7. yeah, i don't even share a phone with my dad, yet he still goes through my phone, checks my calls, my texts, everything.
    it's like they've never heard of privacy before. D:<
    hah, i didn't have to go to school today >=) do i spent my time at my 'friend who isn't my bf's' house
  8. My like as protective of 400 parents on one kid, she freaking works at at&t, and she reads every single of my text, and she knows who i text, and who i call, and all that bullshit. And next month im getting a phone with my dad. Lol. So yeah...
    Omg, its friday! This was a long *** week! =O
  9. yeah, but he doesn't know a thing about being brown lmao.
    for example; our parents are SUPER over protective ; THE MOST overproctective kind of parents.
    he was shocked when he found out how over protective my dad was, he's obv. not used to the whole brown parents thing xD
  10. Lol!!! Wow...your hekka lucky, unlike my relationship, her parents hate me, and my parents (well my mom) doesnt like her either...its horrible. And yet were still together. =)
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