Conversation Between Meowy and Songz

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. loool. you addicted to SDGO now? haha.

    Thats awesome pic.
  2. when people say they fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee, they never seen a butterfly sting like a bee!!

  3. A-Yo! Mew Mew.
  4. i dont expect to dominate it with such a crappy character xP infact i don't play it anymore so it doesn't really matter.. though im looking forward to mage's rebalance patch (excluding scholar/witch)
  5. I guess they'll be naturally good. But don't expect to dominate the arena.
  6. infighter wasn't bad before the patch took place, now its seriously imbalanced o_o;; and i could use a battlemage pretty well without equipments.. ^^
  7. Yes Mechanics.. not infighters. Infighters are mediocre. And it all depends on what patch DnF starts on. I'll give you a tip not to make a Battle Mage though. Without equip you'll suck.. and depending on where NA version starts in patches depends on the equipment you can get, making you weak or strong.
  8. if played right, mechanics and infighters are the Best because they don't really have weaknesses.. o-o
  9. well she had to cool down, my mom taught me that words arn't anything it depends on your actions. you don't say love, you show or prove love. after living with my mom for years i know her personality, she's someone who wouldn't listen to anyone when she's mad. people around me couldn't give me any better ideas and understood my act. o-o
  10. Lol. Yah.. But you pwn't your Mom.. UR MOM MAN! Loool.
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