Conversation Between Fieryfly and Befram

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  1. Hi Sure is a long time ago. We should chat more

    Sure I don't mind. The original plan was Switzerland, but the weather doesn't seem to be that nice there right now so maybe we will move further south to Italy. But we (my family) always go at haphazard ((wow serious that is such a funny word.)) and never end up where we plan to go. Also we always get lost at least once xD Well it is what makes things funny I guess.
    I wanted to Norway or Sweden actually, but my parents didn't like that for some reason. Well to bad.. maybe next time.

    The weather here is... strange, really strange. First you have sun with about twenty degrees Celcius and then suddenly there is this massiv downpour which stops after about five or ten minutes. Really really weird.

    Did you have a nice holiday in Spain? I have been there once for three hours We just hopped over the border for a afternoon since we were close and the weather in France wasn't nice. Strangly though in Spain it was hot... xD
  2. Hey I realized it been ages since I ever posted something here, guess I start the obvious conversation then.

    Hey there Fierfly saw that you were going on an summer vacation. I almost get a bit jealous of you right now, seeing as the weather is kind of on the downside over here. The funny thing it was the warmest temperature I ever felt in Sweden when I left for my vacation in spain,,, kind of defeated the purpose of going to a warm country
    Should watch the weather forecast for next year and hope I can be going in a rainy period:P.
    So, out of pure curiosity if you don't mind,,, where are you going and how's the weather in holland was it?
  3. And then there were school as well,, oh how that huge building can get in the way.
    But I'm losing my point, or did I ever have one? I'm not so sure anymore but either way let me try to catch it and get to the point.

    So at the end I decided for body splitting as an ability, as an of my older rp characters had the same, although it was just the arms. In the end that was the only original thing I could come up with at the time (or so I thoughto.o Stupid buggy Almost makes me want to change to hair power, but every rp that has been in has failed so I don't dare to do it. That and I like Esli). Puh done, that's the history of Eslis birth basically^^.
  4. Noes I'm innocent, don't send fourkids copyright team at me, they're scary.

    Nah but seriously I don't want onepiece and don't believe I ever watched that clip, this is actually a character I made for a contest once, with a few modifications.

    Ever read skulduggery pleasant? Yeah there was a character contest once where you should send in your character, and if we look past my failing there I had to spend some time thinking on that one. First, all elemental magic already used, shapeshifting, strength, shadows, runes, all those were used so I couldn't use them so the options were kind of limited.

    Next episode, the continue of the history of Eslis birth.
  5. Hey I just read your application for that RP from Kain and I was wondering (since I was watching One Piece at the same time) did you get that idea from One Piece, Buggy? If not, like if you don't know One Piece (which is very very bad go watch it now! ) then wow how the hell did you come up with that?
  6. Yeah I'm sorry but I thought if I continue like this I wouldn't be able to keep up with it and I would only get in the way. Really busy time expecially now that I have changed a subject in school so I have to make a spurt to make all the exercises/tests I missed.

    No way I'm going to leave Happy Home though. Although it is slow it is not too slow and people who really like it stick to it so school just has to wait for that .

    What? Snow?! That is sooo cool, we have rain (again) and it is quite cold. Summer mm yeah that would be nice not to hot but just like you can go swimming and wear shorts and stuff. I don't like if it's so hot that you are just laying around not able to do anything. But true when the sun comes true it is almost nice but just a little bit to cold to my taste. But according to the forecast sunday will be warm
  7. I read that you're quiting of magi and men, too bad but it does look like it died anyway. Personally I blame these busy times, curse them, curse them all!

    Well anywaaay I hope you're not leaving Happy home, though if you got schoolwork I understand that. But I can always hope, right?=D.

    Can't wait for summer, then the calm happy times will arrive, though it seems a bit distant do you know why? It started snowing again.

    When the sun finally seemed to come and it got sligthly warm, it's snowing again, probably just a one last push from winter but still, I sure got surprised.
  8. Of course I am, how could I miss this? And it seems like the other rp I'm in is going to die, just the feeling I get, so I need a good new rp. And yeah look forward to rping with you again, and as you said lets hope Time joins in. That would be fun.
  9. Hey, your joining the RP from Takesh to? I figured you would Maybe Time enters too and then we almost have our group back together except for Kain. And Farag0n of course but he is in the army. I kinda miss him though.

    Anyway I'm glad that I can finally RP again with you guys
  10. Yeah Greygate was really awesome. It the best RP I have ever done and it lasted very long until Kain disappeared
    I love snow too but after like five six weeks of snow I was like 'pff I want sun' Humans are really strange. They want snow, get snow and then want something else.

    I miss you all too
    I saw the RP you joined btw and it looked interesting but too bad cause all the spots have been taken I believe. But when a new cool one comes I have to make sure I get in :P But I also see a lot of one line RPs here now, that really disappoints me.

    Well coming up with a story is for me not really a problem but it is the continuance of the story that is difficult for me. Look to my RP, I died after what.. six seven pages Anyway I'm going to think about it
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