Conversation Between Runwiththelight and kuturu4FA

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. I know what you mean man, i kinda diet/stair step for 20min with a jacket on. I workout my abs at least every day after my main workout. and mine are barely visible.
  2. I've gotten my arms defined/traps, but I can't do shiz for my core (It's just like, meh, lol)
  3. ahahah, will do!
  4. Put a shirt on.

  5. Hey, I was wondering, what workouts can I do/diet in order to get real abs(Not popping out or anything, just there), biceps, pecks, and triceps(My legs are very well worked out, I do leg lifts, squats, and run a lot. I just don't like my weak upper body. I weigh 168 and can only bench 180 pounds, and I have a small belly
  6. Hmm, I do not think I have my old steam account that has a bought game on it D:
  7. Sure, we use steam though not vent, much easier, tells us when were online. to more specific we use steam chat( mic chat)
  8. Would you mind if a third joined you ? I got ventrillo, mic, and all of that.
  9. Yeah, me and my friend do.
  10. Hey, are you playing in the IjjI version of Lunia?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
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