Conversation Between xDisturbed and BeLady

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Found out god isn't a man

    Wat do?
  2. oooooooahahoaoahaoaoahahoahaha uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuooawaaaaaaaaoahahoahahoa?

  3. Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  4. BZZZZZbzBzbZBzbZBzbZBbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbbzzzzzzzzzzz~ ~! :P
  5. if you're gonna plant wow i'll start farming with ya o.0
  6. My build tends to differ but the just of it is

    Latern - Ber Boots - Mad razors - Cleaver - Malady/Inf Edge
  7. what do you prefer infinity edge or madreds?

    i have been using infinity edges against other warwicks that go reccommended build aka madreds and have out damaged them gotta love those people who don't try other builds..
  8. Yeah

    you get alot of warwicks that have no idea what they are doing, i build him in so many different offences ways its amazing how he doesn't have a decent skin saying "I AM BEAST"
  9. oh you main warwick? i played him with my friends account, i just couldn't stop screaming at how hunterous and licious he was.. i was dante with him :O
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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