Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. II/III

    Nah, I wouldn't call your RP a side sequel to ToA ^^. It's in the same universe but in a whole different world with only two connections to Amn: Moon elves and the summons. Other than those the worlds have nothing to do with each other.

    Original moon elf? Ah, you mean the Moon Goddess mentioned in the fairy tale? The one who wore a mask in order to seal her powers over the moons and who also created the three moons, the conduits between Amn and the astral world? That could work actually, I mean that she could've written Voco e Vorago.

    I like the idea that moon elves are informers of the astral world. They are like an outcry to other worlds. That kind of history also helps to understand why moon elves are adults when they are "born".
    However! Why did the Moon Goddess remember her origins then? How did she possess the knowledge to create Voco e Vorago? She was a special case, that much is sure. Perhaps her memories were somehow protected from the Abyss?
  2. I/III

    ** You're just advertising your AMVs here, aren't you? . Just watched the "Everybody Loves Deadmen" though. Liked it ^^. **

    I thought of the Queen of Hearts too when you mentioned about the references to Alice in Wonderland ^^. There's just something in an unbalanced queen who can't control her emotions, and who judges based on her current emotions.

    Haseo? Hmm.. from .hack. Wow, wait.. ".hack" is an anime? Huh, I thought it was an old DOS game.

    Daemon's new haircut is just so unsexy (too long). Oh, and what on EARTH was he thinking with that get-up? I'm not much into fashion but at least I have some taste!
    .. Oh god, I'm judging a manga character's fashion sense. What have I become?

    "Hollow Musician" isn't an insult! It's just a depiction of Ruki from a madman's point of view ^^.
  3. Extra! (2/3) - Meh, since this one is so long, might as well put spaces between Q&As. T_T

    I quickly snatch away the the dusty white curtains that conceal a sleeping boy and a bed with colors like the burning candles and black cobwebs that tickle my fingers upon touching them. When I laugh, he awakens, and my heart pounds harshly.

    Who are you? I am a writer who lives in a nearby town to a village that has recently had a string of missing girls. I volunteered to distract the vampire that has been plaguing the villagers, but I have been deceived.

    Are you happy/sad? The vampire that woed many girls and enraged many men is actually the man I loved, but he has changed rapidly since I last saw him. His once serene, deep blue eyes are now dull, lifeless, crimson irises. His beautiful face is now pale, more frail than feminine. His black hair has grown longer, more wild. But more than anything, he is no longer weak, no longer defenseless, yet even now, he is bullied.
  4. Extra! (1/3) - Screw you, word count! >:O

    Okay, I can't argue with that, considering it's fitting for my age and gender.

    Technically, FFX does have a happy ending. It's in FFX-2. Yup! Though the beginning isn't always happy, opening into the sorrow to come, the ending resolves that sorrow, and happiness rings true.

    But I tried to allude to the woman eventually being rescued by "him" (her lover), so she won't actually die.
    I thought the knight in shining armor was about to whisk away a damsel in distress, but your version fit the song well.

    Where are you? I am at first in what I believe is a sealed cave, droplets constantly striking my cheeks and hands. I had a flashlight, but it broke long ago. I must have passed out or was forced to sleep, for I have no idea as to how I got here. When I hear bats, I ducked, only to find myself in a dimly lit room. Blue and purple flames flicker from scattered candles, illuminating a grand bed in the center of the room.
  5. III/III - 2/2 - Be back! I have to go somewhere! :O I'll finish Extra! later!

    Le gasp! What if the "academy" is has "Bastion" in it's real name? Like: "Avant Bastion," "Renaissance Bastion," "Bastion of Knowledge," "Wishful Bastion, Bastion of Augury." I personally like the first one. xD

    Well, remember that those within the academy (at least the students) only know as much about the outside world as their books tell them. Now on that note, the academy won't be like any other academy, considering it is suppose to be a "world" in itself. Picture a shopping center + mini Times Square + luxury dorms like condos, but only on the inside (not the entire building). Oh, and, of course, a learning center complete with classrooms taught more like French classes than American ones (i.e. the teachers come to you, not the other way around). So yes, modern.

    There always has to be one dragon in a Paranormal/Modern/Fantasy RP.
  6. II/III
    Yeah, you try to be geniune when you post, only to edit out half the detail you wanted to include. :/

    Does that mean my RP will be a side sequel to ToA? :O What if Cupio wrote it?! Or rather, he "communicated" to someone to write the book and the whole experience was so awe-inspiring, the person who wrote the story also began the folklore as well! Oh and the author could also be one of the founders of the "academy."

    Ooh! I like your idea much better! And what if it was the ORIGINAL moon elf (the one that you mentioned before the Moon Festival kicked into play) wrote Voco e Vorago? :O But we also need a reason as to why moon elves forget their origins -- UNLESS! They are meant to be informers of the astral world, but their memories are wiped during the travel from the astral world, through the abyss, and to Amn. Thus, the book is key to moon elves remembering their destiny before their real place of origin and the last link to the world where the "academy" stands is lost!
  7. Extra!

    Oui, mademoiselle!

    True, Final Fantasy does have a lot of sadness in it but nearly every FF still has a happy ending ^^ (Though FFX doesn't have).

    Yeah, because an innocent woman getting decapicated is actually a joyful occasion compared to a guy running around sakura trees o.o.
    Ooh, a tragic demon hunter! So sad though..

    Where are you? I'm spending my time in a small tavern. Suddenly the tavern door flies open and a knight in shining armor steps inside. The knight locks his sights on me and draws his sword. He has been tracking me and finally found me. Looks like my face is plastered on a wanted poster, thus the reason he was hunting me. I grab my scimitar and proceed to engage the knight in a duel, only to find out that I once considered the knight as my friend.
    Who are you? I'm your average run-of-the-mill bandit.
    Are you happy/sad? I enjoy a good fight every now and then, but not this time.
    Are you alone? I am, yet I am surrounded by people.
  8. III/III

    Yup, there's nothing more annoying than editing while writing replies.

    Yeah, that's just fine that Cupio was once a human. Makes him all the more interesting ^^.
    Cupio's power corresponds with his emotions? That actually creates a risk which only serves to spice things up. The core question is whether you are willing to make a grand wish like restoring the world when you can't know for sure it's going to happen the "right" way.
    Heh, so the academy is the last bastion of hope for humankind. Finally I got to say "bastion"! I like that word ^^.

    Since we're talking about an academy, should it be a modern academy? I know it was going to be modern in the paranormal RP and I think it wouldn't hurt if it was modern in this RP too. I kind of want a modern human to witness something amazing like a whole new world full of fantasy.

    Not a bad idea actually. A dragon is always a nice addition and when the dragon is the key character in the whole RP.. it gets only better ^^.
  9. II/III
    Yeah, word limit sucks. It always ends up nagging about it when I've completed a part of a reply. That's when the frustrating editing starts.

    Well, now we know what Voco e Vorago will entail about summoning ^^. Pretty cool actually, the one who finds it will learn of the existance of another world somewhere out there. A certain question does arise from there though.. Just who wrote Voco e Vorago then?

    .. Oh man!

    Oh my! OH! OH!! (I'm not having a heart attack, just keep reading!)
    Wow, just wow! I just realized that we created the birthplace of the Moon Elves, it's the very world Cupio created! The astral world!! That's why the only ones who could've written Voco e Vorago are the Moon Elves!
    .. My mind is blown, this is just crazy!
  10. I/III

    ** AMV's hardly spoil anything, at least not too much. Besides it looks like FIERYFLY is also watching DW now so.. DON'T LOOK FIERYFLY! **

    Yesss!! Finally I was right about something! I expected that his neck cracking would have more.. cracking in it, if you understand what I mean. I thought it would be a loud *CRACK* and not something like *Krrrk*. Hmm.. I think I'm nagging about something really pointless here.
    Heh, you never know, there very well could be a reference to Alice in Wonderland ^^.
    On a side note, have you kept reading KHR? Is it just me or why can't I find Daemon to be a real threat? I'm much more interested about the Vindice guys than Daemon.

    Alright.. Ruki, the Hollow Musician clearly won the contest ^^. You almost seem to genuinely like the name, am I correct?
    We'll see if I'll be able to come up with any new contestants.
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