Conversation Between lokuri and Befram

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, it was terrible. I was sooo sad, but I got to throw a few snowballs at the street before cars came. xD And yes, it was quite memorable to climb those snow I'll miss them.

    Let's pray twice as hard! Then again, whenever I pray for something to happen, bad luck strikes me...
  2. Sick the only day it snowed? You had some bad luck there, and climbing, what seemed at that age at least giant snowhills sure brings back some good memories, I miss that time.

    But thanks for the advice about praying for snow, hadn't actually considered doing that, it's worth a try at least.
  3. I saw you chatting with farag0n about snow from 10 years ago. It has been quite a long time since any "real" snow came down. I remember when I used to climb giant snow hills (or perhaps they were "giant" because I was so small?) over my grandparents' house and have massive snow fights.

    There was a day last year that it snowed quite nicely, but I was sick that day, and the very next day, when I decided to go to school, all the snow was gone. It rained over night, and there was no trace of the snow at all.

    Let's all pray for snow. :o
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